

Hello! I'm Silas Marvin, a passionate enthusiast of Rust, Zig, and machine learning. Through this site I share my experiences working on exciting projects and exploring fascinating topics in computer science.

I'm currently working at PostgresML, where we're focused on streamlining the development of machine learning applications.

My Links

You can find me posting random opinions and updates on Twitter or lurking on LinkedIn. I love to meet new people so don't hesitate to reach out or connect.


Conway's Game of Life Through Time

Utilize Rust and the Bevy game engine to recreate a fascinating visualization of Conway's Game of Life through time.

Exploring Gleam with Genetic Algorithms

Meet Gleam, one of the most popular new functional programming languages by building a simple word-solving genetic algorithm.

Simple Automatic Differentiation in Haskell

Implement a simple automatic differentiation system in Haskell by storing tensor operations on a tape and using the State monad to efficiently calculate gradients through back-propagation.

DNNs from Scratch in Zig

Explore building a simple deep neural network from scratch in Zig, utilizing only the standard library to create layer, activation, and loss modules that can be chained together to solve the MNIST dataset with 95.86% accuracy.

Chaos Networks Part 2

Building upon the previous post, this article delves into the refinements made to Chaos Networks, including enhancements to the automatic differentiation library, the introduction of batching for improved performance, and more.

Chaos Networks Part 1

Introducing Chaos Networks, a novel approach to feedforward neural networks that abandons the traditional layer-based paradigm in favor of a semi-randomly connected acyclic graph.

3d Cellular Automata

Leveraging the power of Rust and the Bevy game engine, this post walks through the creation of a 3D cellular automata emulator capable of simulating up millions of cells.

Bevy dfdx and the Classic Cart Pole

This post demonstrates how to solve the classic Cart Pole problem using Rust's Bevy game engine for visualization and the dfdx library for deep reinforcement learning.